As a member of the #WritingCommunity, the days often fly by. I am completely engaged by the process, the pressure, the people, and the positives of allowing my words to flow with color and creativity onto the page.
But freelance writing isn't just about words.
Let's be real.
artwork by Michelle Haas
A Week in the Life ...
Monday — From my small, enclosed porch office with a stellar view of Lake Erie, I prepared materials for a writing presentation at the local library and sent out reminders to community Facebook groups and my writing email list. I updated my writing website, researched viable agents to #query, and spent several hours editing my current fiction manuscript.
Not to put a glamorous spin on it, I also did three loads of laundry, sanitized two toilet bowls, scooped the cat litter box, walked the dog, and put away dishes … not necessarily in that order;).
Tuesday — I chatted about social media advertising with a local musician during lunch at a Rotary meeting. I spent the evening with businessmen/women and nonprofit volunteers, attempting to impart the tips and tricks I've learned about publicity writing. I gave them advice on how NOT to alienate local news sources when submitting press releases, something I learned through trial and error, a fair amount of red ink, and many years of listening to my past Pittsburgh news editor tell me her tales of woe.
I sort of organized my spice drawer. I mean really. Who needs three containers of paprika? I scooped the litter box.
Wednesday — I researched interesting community members for future features I've been asked to write for a magazine. I also gave my motion graphics artist daughter feedback on a chapter of her "just for fun" fantasy work-in-progress (Michelle Haas ... I'm jealous you managed over 50,000 words in less than a month while taking art school classes. Seriously? Like, who does that without #NaNoWriMo on the calendar?).
I got bread, milk, toilet paper, and M&Ms in preparation for a proposed snow storm, and I watched #Survivor. I scooped the litter box.
Thursday — I line-edited a freelance project (whilst at my hair stylist's, and in between snips of DNA and color foils). I also researched specific questions about SEO in the “Search Engine Optimization for Dummies” book, so I can better "optimize" my own writing website and help future business clients improve website content. I made contact with two business owners who may need marketing help.
AND I started this writing blog and made a vat of sweet potato soup. Thursday was a very busy day. Thursday night, I scooped the litter box.
Friday — I wrote a press release about R.J. Norgard, a clever Lake Erie mystery author who used to be a counterintelligence officer and eventual private investigator in the beautiful 49th state of Alaska. Waaaay Coooool (Get it? Alaska is cold. I can now add dad joke-writing to my resume). I spent several hours editing my manuscript.
And did more laundry. And a toilet bowl. And the litter box.
This weekend will include more manuscript edits and a critique session with my writing group buddies & author Adam Hoss in Sandusky, OH.
Yeah, the week in the life of a freelance writer is never dull.
Sometimes, what I do isn't just about words, but I enjoy it ... infinitely more than scooping the litter box.
Write on, my freelance friends!
#AmWriting #Blog #WritingBlog #WIP #WritingTips #FictionFriday #FearlessFriday #NaNoWriMo #Fantasy #AmEditing #SEO #FreelanceWriter #Freelance
Thanks for the cool graphics, Michelle Haas.